
creature fear

Around this time of the year, my friends and I usually go looking for fear. But this year instead, Halloween and fear found me after being tested for TB (result is probably negative) and being left alone in the dark with this creepy mannequin. Anyways...just thought I would say Happy Halloween!


un loup garçon dans le parc

now it's raining, think I'll go inside

photo taken outside of lab in WEB | chroma keying

I don't know how I did it, but I survived this week. I survived all the late nights staying up. And now a huge flood of relief is in me. At least for the next week or so. But through these long days and all the pouring rain of lately, I have seen and felt the good. The cold weather has brought back merino wool, scarves and tights back in style. Despite the noise of others, I have come to love the students I teach at the studio and at the rehab. I have been a crazy mad woman, but friends and strangers alike have comforted me, while under the weather of school. Though the sadness of Steve Job's passing pierces all Apple lovers, I have found inspiration through one of the world's most visionary revolutionist. The list goes on and on, but my point being...there is always good in many of one of those days.

iMISSYOU, we miss you, Steve Jobs


take two and action

My film kills me. It's so bad that it's become terribly funny. I really am laughing. Really.


life in technicolour

Today has been one of those magical days. Magical because a really nice guy you barely know and a stranger kindly offers to help you. And then suddenly, the magic brings you to believe in goodness in the world all over again.