

The story of this film came to my mind while I was sick with a terrible cold. The characters are real and alive, they are everyday people I know, love and have loved. Working on this project was a lot of work, more than I expected. But I learned and loved the process of creating. I haven't been serious about film making since four years ago. And holding a camera, directing actors and post production in editing and sound felt like revisiting my inner passionate film making self that never left me. I am grateful for all the actors who participated and for all the support I've received while making and debuting my film. I have always been insecure about my art, but I can say this film has turned into a work I am proud of. This film has also brought back the spark of silver screen life to me. It's what I needed to continue creating, aspiring to and doing what I love. So, I'm sharing this work with you and I hope you'll enjoy. Thanks for watching and listening.


aubrey said...

Lauren! I love that you leave comments on my blog every now and then! I love hearing from you! This video is so cool, good job! I hope everything is well with you!

Punctuation Mark said...

this is amazing... congrats! that is a passion I've always wanted to follow as well!